The classical martial arts are taught in an atmosphere that promotes Courage, Discipline, Honesty, Honor, Loyalty, Respect, and Responsibility.
As Gichin Funakoshi (1868-1957), the Founder of modern-day Karate-Do, famously said, "The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants". Unfortunately, with the rise of modern day combat sports, many of these time-honored values have been stripped away from training. It is for this reason that the National Martial Arts Association supports the values cherished in the classical martial arts.
COURAGE. Having the courage to stand up and defend what is true, just, & ethically correct, especially in face of those who attempt to oppress or hurt others, is one of the bravest things one can do.
DISCIPLINE. In order to achieve personal and professional goals, one must discipline both the mind and body and follow a code of behavior.
HONESTY. A person's personal, business, academic, and family life should be conducted honestly, and should never accommodate lying, cheating, or stealing.
HONOR. Honor is living with a sense of respect for what you believe is right. It is living by the virtues, showing great respect for yourself, other people, and the rules you live by. "Their word of honor" means they will do exactly what they promise. People respect and look up to someone who is honorable.
LOYALTY. A person should be faithful and supportive to one's family, colleagues, friends, instructors and dojo.
RESPECT. Not only should a person show respect to those that are senior, but to society, institutions, other nations, cultures, and all aspects of life, and nature.
RESPONSIBILITY Taking personal responsibility for one's actions, and setting a positive example for all who follow, is a fundamental leadership quality.
© National Martial Arts Association (2020)