The National Martial Arts Association (2020) is dedicated to personal development. Through our arts we develop the heart, mind and body of our students and of ourselves.
Throughout training, students and instructors are encouraged to be their personal best. This mission will be accomplished through a cooperative effort of constant education and support.
The original founders set in place the teachings and philosophies of our traditional arts, establishing strong ethical principals which are the foundation of our association.
We welcome new members who wish to study and discover the traditional principals and skills within our association; we will not discriminate against any individual or organisation that may join us. The harmony of our philosophy was born from the characters of honesty, integrity, kindness and compassion; and we welcome everyone who will accept these guiding principles and adhere to these time honoured teachings.
Our aim; is the preservation of our arts, the cultural traditions, and heritage we have been entrusted with, by demonstrating sincere devotion and humility to our study, therefore all students are asked to display sincere respect towards the art which they study, their Sensei and fellow students.
National Martial Arts Association
It is our goal as instructors, directors, members and any representative of the National Martial Arts Association, to strive for excellence in ourselves and in the study of martial arts.
The core tenants in the philosophy of the National Martial Arts Association are brotherhood and the promotion and sharing of knowledge in the martial arts.
It is our goal to provide a legitimate means for students and instructors to further their studies, certification and success at large in all facets of their martial arts experience.
The National Martial Arts Association will strive for excellence in providing and upholding black belt certificates and certifications, student rank certificates and certifications, black belt promotions, instructor certification, organization and dojo charters, program and course content certification.
Furthermore, as instructors, directors, members or any representative, we strive for the continued growth, expansion and success of the National Martial Arts Association through our active participation and support of each other and the functions sanctioned by the National Martial Arts Association.
In addition we seek to perpetuate ethics, morals, and cultural understanding as prescribed in the philosophy of the martial arts, through acceptance of martial arts styles and practitioners in a non-political manner.
© National Martial Arts Association (2020)