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Grading Standards

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National Martial Arts Association
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National Martial Arts Association - Grading Standards and Time in Grade

It is the goal of the National Martial Arts Association to afford all eligible members the opportunity to participate in the Dan Certification process. Applicants whose current rank was not awarded by a National Martial Arts Association member school/organization, whose rank cannot be verified by a reference, or whose documentation cannot be produced for review, etc., may be required to provide additional karate rank related background information at the request of the National Martial Arts Association Technical Committee.


The following is the testing protocol and statement of requirements for the National Martial Arts Association 'Dan Rank' certification program. The goal of the program is to encourage a broad understanding of the techniques and different schools, which make up modern Karate-do. The National Martial Arts Association 'Dan certification program' is based upon the requirements of the World Karate Federation program. It is not the intent of the National Martial Arts Association Dan Certification program to replace or promote any particular style of Karate-do.

Each candidate for certification must hold a karate rank and validate that ranking by presenting: a copy of their rank certificate and/or verifiable evidence of the candidate’s current karate rank, a National Martial Arts Association Karate Dan Certification application and/or other required documentation, if requested, to the National Martial Arts Association for consideration.

Note that instructor teaching ranks are separate from Dan level ranks and have a different award criteria.

Shodan (1st Dan) Level:

Nidan (2nd Dan) Level:

Sandan (3rd Dan) Level:

Yondan (4th Dan) Level:

Godan (5th Dan) Level:

Rokudan (6th Dan) Level:

Nanadan (7th Dan) Level:

Hachidan (8th Dan) Level:

The higher ranks of 7th Dan and above could be awarded at the discretion of the Board of Directors and/or Chairman.

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© National Martial Arts Association (2020)