The National Martial Arts Association (NMAA 2020) is recognized as a leading traditional martial arts organization. Dedicated to the preservation of "ALL STYLES" of Martial Arts because we believe there is knowledge to be gained from all of the world's martial systems. Most of the "old Masters" knew this to be true and trained in various arts to enhance their knowledge and ability.
The National Martial Arts Association was founded to help preserve our diverse martial arts history and eliminate politics found in many associations or styles. We conduct promotions based on experience, knowledge, and ability. An Advisory Board directs the certifications, and promotions. No single individual determines acceptance into the association or professional ability of any candidates. The following officers are responsible for the day to day operation of the association.
Dennis Gordon Hanshi
8th Dan Shotokan
The Board of Directors is comprised of leading martial artists whose guidance and dedication have shaped our path. We also honor the memory of those who served on our board and are no longer with us. Their contributions laid a strong foundation for our organization’s future. Though they are gone, their legacy lives on, and we remain forever grateful for their service.
Clayton Tucker Hanshi
10th Dan Hakko-Ryu Jujitsu
Dennis Gordon Hanshi
8th Dan Shotokan
Adam Carter Hanshi
8th Dan Ryukyu Karate Jutsu
Noel Carter Shihan
6th Dan Ryukyu Karate Jutsu
National Martial Arts Association - Special Advisors
These Special Advisors serve as advisors to the Executive Board and are considered
Experts for their years of study in various martial arts.
Josh Sligar Shihan
6th Dan Traditional Okinawan Karate
Brandon Cook Renshi
5th Dan Okinawan Karate
More to follow........