The students code of conduct, necessitates that every student preserve, and reveal the true time-honoured spirit of Budo always, therefore to amplify to others their traditional martial art honour and etiquette. The student code of conduct represents a system of social skills that, when practiced along with the physical components of martial arts training, form the foundation of all martial arts.
I will conduct myself in a respectful manner, and not bring dishonor to my instructors or fellow martial artists.
I fully understand that I am not to miss use the training skills I am taught while studying martial arts.
With respect and courtesy, I will abide by the traditional principles of the "Dojo Kun".
I will be respectful to my superiors and refrain from violent bahavior, profanity or coarse language.
Practice humility. Recognize that you are a member of a group sharing common goals and interests.
Remember that your actions outside the school/dojo reflect its character and spirit.
You are an ambassador of your school and the National Martial Arts Association. Always behave with good manners and respect.