The National Martial Arts Association (NMAA) (2020) offers membership to All Styles and all Systems of Martial Traditions.
All Styles and Systems Welcome
The National Martial Arts Association recognizes the large variety of martial arts taught all over the world all have something to offer their students. We are a melting pot of knowledge and information and this fact offers all of us a great opportunity by which we can grow and learn from each other.
Directors and Leaders of the National Martial Arts Association travel and train others in all regions of the USA and abroad. Our goal is to offer all martial artists regardless of style or system an organization in which they can retain control of their curriculum, teach the way they like and receive international rank recognition, outstanding training opportunities as well as enjoy the camaraderie and friendship of other members of a huge "martial arts family".
National Martial Arts Association certifies ranks from previous martial arts experience and styles for all our "Life Members" so that our members may instantly enjoy the prestige of membership in our organization.
Join the National Martial Arts Association. One of the fastest growing Martial Arts organization in the world today. Currently we have members in many countries across the world.
We are actively seeking new members and National Directors in the US and from other countries. Please contact the National Martial Arts Association if your interested in membership or serving as a National, Regional, or local Director.
© National Martial Arts Association (2020)